Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption to societies worldwide, and the United States is no exception.

The pandemic has forced the government to take unprecedented measures to control the spread of the virus, including implementing lockdowns, mandating mask-wearing, and rolling out vaccination campaigns.

While these measures have been necessary to contain the virus’s spread, some argue that they have been used as an excuse to crush the backbone of America.

The backbone of America is its small businesses, which form the foundation of the country’s economy. Small businesses provide employment opportunities, generate tax revenues, and drive innovation. However, the pandemic has hit small businesses hard, with many struggling to stay afloat.

The government’s response to the pandemic has worsened the situation, with small businesses bearing the brunt of the economic fallout.

One of the ways in which the government has used the pandemic to crush the backbone of America is through lockdowns. In an attempt to curb the spread of the virus, many states implemented strict lockdowns that forced small businesses to shut down or severely restrict their operations.

While large corporations were able to weather the storm, small businesses were not so lucky. Many were forced to close permanently, unable to survive the economic impact of the lockdowns.

The government’s relief efforts have also been criticized for their inability to support small businesses adequately. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a program aimed at providing forgivable loans to small businesses, was criticized for being too complicated and bureaucratic, with many small businesses unable to access the funds they needed to survive. Furthermore, the program’s funds were quickly depleted, leaving many small businesses without any assistance.

Another way in which the government has used the pandemic to crush the backbone of America is through the implementation of mask mandates and social distancing measures. While necessary to control the spread of the virus, these measures have made it difficult for small businesses to operate. Restaurants, for example, were forced to reduce their capacity or close altogether, while retailers were forced to limit the number of customers allowed inside their stores. These measures have had a significant impact on small businesses, which rely on foot traffic and in-person sales to generate revenue.

Finally, the government’s handling of the pandemic has exacerbated the economic divide between large corporations and small businesses. While small businesses struggled to stay afloat, large corporations such as Amazon and Walmart saw their profits soar as consumers turned to online shopping. The government’s failure to support small businesses adequately has allowed large corporations to further consolidate their power and influence, crushing the backbone of America in the process.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on small businesses, which form the backbone of America. While the government’s response to the pandemic has been necessary to control the virus’s spread, it has also been used as an excuse to crush small businesses. Lockdowns, inadequate relief efforts, mask mandates, and social distancing measures have all had a significant impact on small businesses, while large corporations have thrived.

If the government wants to support the backbone of America, it must take meaningful action to support small businesses and ensure that they can survive the economic fallout of the pandemic.


The War on Small Business: How the Government Used the Pandemic to Crush the Backbone of America