Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Axios uncovered an internal memo within the U.S. State Department that opposes President Biden, accusing him of spreading “misleading information” about the Gaza conflict.

The memo, signed by 100 State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development employees, asserts that Biden’s support for Israel implicates him in “genocide” in Gaza, revealing significant divisions within the U.S. administration.

Described as “scathing,” the memo calls on senior U.S. officials to reconsider their policies towards Israel and advocate for a Gaza ceasefire.

It criticizes Biden for questioning the casualty figures in Gaza, where over 11,000 Palestinians have reportedly died, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Using the language of “progressive activists,” the memo expresses their dissatisfaction and protests against the White House, posing a new challenge for Biden within the Democratic Party ahead of the 2024 presidential campaign.

The note also recommends that the U.S. government call for the “release of hostages by both Hamas and Israel,” highlighting the thousands of Palestinians detained in Israel without charges.

Criticizing U.S. Middle East policy, the note points to a “failure to push for a practical two-state solution and the end of the conflict.” It condemns the doubling of military aid to the Israeli government “without clear or enforceable red lines.”

The note deems Israeli actions, such as power cuts, restricting humanitarian supplies, and conducting attacks that displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, as “war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law.”

The site notes that since the Vietnam War, the State Department has maintained an “opposition channel” for diplomats to express their disagreement with official policies, although these memos are meant to remain private within the department, they are occasionally leaked to the media.