New Evidence Supports the Theory of Galaxy Mergers

Galaxy collisions are some of the most profound and transformative events in the universe. When two galaxies collide, they intertwine their stars, gas, and dark matter, leading to spectacular consequences, including the merger of their central supermassive black holes. 

These events reshape galaxies and can drastically change their structure, sometimes resulting in a new, much larger galaxy with an ultra-massive black hole at its core.

The Role of Galaxy Collisions in Cosmic Evolution

Galaxy collisions have been pivotal in the evolution of the universe. Smaller galaxies often merge to form larger, more complex systems, a process that has been occurring since the universe's early days. These mergers continue today, as our own Milky Way devours smaller satellite galaxies. 

In the distant future, the Milky Way will collide with the nearby Andromeda Galaxy, leading to yet another grand merger.

When this inevitable collision happens, the supermassive black holes at the centers of both galaxies may merge as well. Such a merger could create a single, incredibly massive black hole at the core of the newly formed galaxy. 

Although we can't observe this process in real-time due to the immense timescales involved, astronomers are constantly gathering evidence of galaxy and black hole mergers.

Recent Discoveries of Galactic Collisions

Thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astronomers recently observed a pair of colliding galaxies located about 800 million light-years away. In the heart of this galactic collision, HST detected three bright hot spots, signaling intense activity. 

Follow-up observations using the Chandra X-ray Observatory and radio data from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array confirmed that these hot spots were linked to supermassive black holes, adding to the evidence of black hole mergers.

Typically, active galactic nuclei (AGN)—the incredibly bright centers of galaxies powered by supermassive black holes—are found in distant galaxies from earlier periods in the universe. The chance to study AGN activity in nearby galaxies offers a unique glimpse into the mechanics of these cosmic events.

Spotting Future Supermassive Black Hole Collisions

The detection of potential black hole collisions in colliding galaxies came when HST spotted unusual optical diffraction spikes in a galaxy called MCG-03-34-64. Two of these hot spots, located only about 300 light-years apart, caught the attention of astronomers due to their unusual energy levels, indicating the presence of supermassive black holes.

Lead researcher Anna Trindade Falcão and her team were intrigued by this discovery, as such occurrences are not common in nearby galaxies. To better understand what was happening, the team turned to the Chandra X-ray Observatory, which confirmed that the two bright spots in the X-ray band corresponded to high-energy emissions from closely spaced supermassive black holes.

The team also analyzed archival radio telescope data, further confirming that the black holes were real and inching closer to one another. The combination of optical, X-ray, and radio observations painted a clear picture: two supermassive black holes in the process of merging.

HST's image of the galaxy MCG-03-34-064 in visible light. Two of the three bright spots at the core are active galactic nuclei sources of light and X-ray emissions. They indicate two supermassive black holes about 300 light-years apart and growing closer. (NASA/ESA/Anna Trindade Falcão/CfA)

What Happens When Supermassive Black Holes Collide?

These two supermassive black holes, each at the center of a galaxy, are expected to collide in about 100 million years. As their host galaxies continue to draw closer, the black holes themselves will begin to interact more intensely. Eventually, they will merge, releasing gravitational waves—ripples in spacetime predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Astronomers have long suspected that mergers between galaxies and their central black holes trigger significant galactic activity. For instance, as galaxies collide, gas is funneled toward their centers, feeding the black holes and intensifying their emissions. This process also compresses gas in other parts of the galaxy, leading to bursts of star formation.

Supermassive Black Hole Collisions: A Common Cosmic Event

Supermassive black hole mergers are not rare. Models of galaxy evolution suggest that these events are relatively common, and observations support this idea. 

Many AGNs, the bright cores of galaxies powered by black holes, are thought to be the result of such mergers. As galaxies combine, so do their central black holes, resulting in larger and more powerful black holes over time.

Future Observations of Supermassive Black Hole Mergers

Studying AGN pairs like those in MCG-03-34-64 provides a valuable window into the final stages of supermassive black hole mergers. These events are critical for understanding the evolution of galaxies and black holes alike. Future observatories, especially those sensitive to gravitational waves, will play a key role in observing these cosmic events.

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has already detected gravitational waves from smaller black hole mergers. However, future instruments like the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will be able to detect the much larger gravitational waves produced by supermassive black hole collisions.

LISA, which will consist of three space-based detectors positioned millions of miles apart, will be sensitive to the long-wavelength gravitational waves emitted when giant black holes merge. With LISA’s help, astronomers will be able to study these mergers in unprecedented detail, further expanding our understanding of how galaxies and black holes evolve over time.


Galaxy collisions and the mergers of supermassive black holes are fundamental processes in the universe’s evolution. These colossal events not only shape galaxies but also drive the growth of supermassive black holes. As our observational capabilities improve, with tools like LISA and LIGO, astronomers will continue to uncover the secrets of these grand cosmic interactions.

By studying these events, we gain insight into the past, present, and future of galaxies, including our own. The Milky Way and Andromeda merger is a testament to the fact that galaxy collisions are ongoing processes, and we are mere spectators in this grand cosmic ballet.


1- What is a galaxy collision?
A galaxy collision occurs when two galaxies come close enough that their gravitational forces cause them to interact, often resulting in a merger.
2- What happens when supermassive black holes merge?
When supermassive black holes merge, they release gravitational waves and combine to form a larger black hole, altering the galaxy’s structure.
3- Will the Milky Way collide with another galaxy?
Yes, in about 4.5 billion years, the Milky Way is expected to collide with the Andromeda Galaxy, resulting in a massive galactic merger.
4-  Can we observe black hole mergers?
While we cannot observe the actual merger directly, we detect the gravitational waves they emit and study the effects on the surrounding environment.
5- What role do galaxy mergers play in cosmic evolution?
Galaxy mergers are a crucial part of cosmic evolution, helping to form larger galaxies and grow supermassive black holes at their centers.


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